Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Lions, Tigers and Google!!! Oh MY!!!!!

A disclaimer: If you are not a Google fan, this blog might not be for you. 

Google, Google, Google!!! How I love thee. Why do I love Goolge? Well pull up a chair and let me tell you!!

     Google Classroom: Have you tried this out???? I love this and so do my students. It allows me to organize everything by class in neat, simple folders in my drive. Its ability to keep students (and myself) organized is AMAZING!!! Within one system I can accept assignments, provide feedback and return it to the student. I know some of you out there like Schoology or Edmodo and I was once one of you, but since our county has made a move to Google it only made sense to move here too!! Now is it perfect?? No, but give it some room to improve. It only came out in August! There are some features I would like to see added. For example, organizing my shared drive or allowing teachers to have a type with just a list of assignments. I continue to provide feedback and I will give them room to improve, but it's looking fabulous to me!!!

     Google Forms: So this might just be new to me but have you seen the SCRAMBLE option!!! I logged in this week to make an assessment and noticed the new option to scramble the questions. Helps eliminate cheating!! Also, there is an option to only allow one submission. I know before you could un-check the option to show a link to re-submit but we know students know how to just hit the back button to go back and re-submit. This eliminates that from happening!!! 

Hope this gets you excited about GOOGLE TOO!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Getting ready to introduce Google Classroom to some elementary teachers. It is great to have a teacher touting its power! Thanks!
