Monday, April 20, 2015

Enzyme Cartoon

During the semester I am often puzzled by how I can get my student creatively involved. I have come up with a way to get the students to understand an enzyme/substrate reaction and get their creative juices flowing. I have students complete an enzyme cartoon. They are required to have an enzyme (never changing), a substrate and product (what the substrate is broken down into). The students usually receive a sheet of paper and I let them draw the cartoon out. The past 3 semester I have used powtoons and toondoo. I like toondoo more so I have used that more often in my classes. The students are able to express the concept and not worry about their actually drawing skills while still being creative. Below are a few ideas of how the cartoon works. The students are allowed to take the concept of and enzyme/substrate reaction and apply it to everyday/fantasy objects. Students remember the concept more if we do mini-projects like this than if I simply stand and present the facts. This is probably one of my favorite things we do in class.

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