Monday, December 8, 2014

Student Projects

Forensic News
This year I am teaching Forensics. To make things relevant and to follow current events; I have had the students research current trials within our state. There is a google form that the students must complete, they must also present. The form changes with the content we cover in class. My plan is at the end of the semester for them to build a scrapbook in Google docs.

Music Videos
Students use google docs to come up with lyrics to a song. The song must cover a topic we are currently working on and all lyrics must relate directly to the topic. For example, my students made music videos about cells. They used iMovies and Google Docs to complete the assignment.

Review Videos
My biology students really liked making videos. One of the first videos we completed were Paper Slide videos reviewing Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration. Students were given one shot to film the video. They had a rubric of what must be included in the video. They used the camera to film and present to the class.

News Reports
 In our Forensic textbook we cover many cases that are relevant as we go through the chapters. Instead of having students simply read the cases, we report them. I have the students team up and assume the role as new broadcasters and "present" the news. This usually takes a day and the students have a blast doing it. We use iMovies, Green Screen App and some use WeVideo.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

My Helpful Suggestions

In today's classroom, most teachers are pushing to use technology. I am among those teachers. I LOVE using technology in my class. As a Pinnacle Leader, I am often asked for suggestions or what I would do in certain situations. I have come up with some helpful suggestions that I often tell my fellow teachers.

1) Don't Stress!!! Technology is not meant to stress you out. Will every lesson you plan work out? NO!! I have planned amazing lessons, and on the day I go to use technology our server is down. Take a breath and relax. Like every wise teacher we have back-up plans. If it's stressing you out, take a step back. 

2) Enhance-This should be a tool you have that will help enhance your lesson. When I plan a lesson I always ensure that what we are doing will add to my lesson. Technology should not be used just because it's available. Really plan out your lessons!

3) Learn-Continue learning and allow your students to teach you. In some cases they know students can teach us more about technology than we can.

4) Have FUN with technology!! It's not always about test and quizzes. Come up with creative ways students can really display their knowledge!!