Thursday, November 6, 2014

Case Files

Forensic Case Files

This year I was given a new class to teach: Forensics. I was and am really excited to teach this class. In my mind, I imagined doing all these amazing things in relation to forensics. One of the things my students like to do are video forensic case files. As a class we split up into smaller groups and record a news broadcast. The student will take a major court case that relates to our subject matter and act as a report for our make believe news station: WBCHS. The students use iPads to record themselves. We have worked with two apps: Green Screen and iMovies. The students can stand in front of our green screen and later they impose a picture of our local courthouse. Once the students have written a script they are set to record. I give them a time limit to record and a time limit to edit the videos through iMovies. The first time it took up two entire class periods. Now that the students take a class period to create, record, edit and showcase. The students really enjoy this project and it allows them to step in and put their own spin into the project.