Tuesday, July 8, 2014


What is it? Upon walking into this session, I had NO idea what andragogy actually was. Sure, I had heard of pedagogy, but never andragogy in relation to teaching. At last my confusion and questions were answered. So what is it you ask....well its how adults learn. 

Why is this important? Like many people I get nervous when presenting to my peers. Put me in front of a class and I'm good to go; put me in front of a room full of teachers and here come the nerves. To me andragogy is important because it tells me how to address my peers. 

What did I learn? I learned to use my time wisely. As teachers there are a million and one things that we would like to do, so don't go into a presentation and waste their time. Keep it short and simple!! I also learned to read your audience. Learn what would drive them. And make sure to answer some basic questions: Why am I here? Why do I care? And What do I get out of this? So now I can take what I have learned and apply it to the many presentations I will do in the future.

The Fist

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    App Smashing is a relatively new area for me. While I have used apps in my class I have never paired multiple apps together to reach a goal. This article has helped relieve some of the stress. I now feel more confident in approaching app smashing. It was mentioned in the article that you should start with an end goal in mind. I normally start at the beginning, so this will be different for me. I do think that it will help with planning. I also like the mention that not everything is placed in neat little boxes, but that everything is equal. Most of the time we have the mindset that we have to do things a certain way or else; now I can look at everything on equal grounds. This article has given me the jumping start to try to emerge myself in the world of app smashing!